
Messages received on the programming capcode during the programming window are interpreted as over-the-air programming commands.

Capcode Programming

The first 3 capcodes (individual, all page and system) may be reprogrammed with a command sent to the programming during the programming window. The programming message takes the form:


where s is the capcode slot to program.

  • 1 for individual capcode
  • 2 for all page capcode
  • 3 for system capcode

ccccccc is the capcode value in decimal, left 0 padded to 7 digits.



Requests to program a capcode to 0 or 100000 are ignored.



Newly programmed capcodes do not take effect until the programming window expires. When a capcode is programmed, the effect of sending a page during the remaining programming window to either the new capcode or the previously programmed capcode is undefined.


  • Programs the individual capcode to system ID 4, pager ID 105 (capcode 1100840): [C11100840]
  • Programs the all page capcode to system ID 0, pager ID 911 (capcode 700840): [C20700840]
  • Programs the system capcode to system ID 25, pager ID 15 (capcode 130120): [C30130120]

Group Programming

Each pager has 5 group slots that can be programmed to any receive any group number or disabled. The group slots are numbered 1 through 5. Valid group numbers are 0 through 98, with 99 being used to indicate a disabled group slot.

The group programming messages takes the form [Gsnn], where s indicates the group slot to program, and nn indicates the group number to program the slot to receive. The group number is a 2 digit decimal number, left padded with zeros (0) as necessary.


The following example programs group slot 1 to group 23:


The following example programs group slot 2 to group 5:


The following example disabled group slot 3:


Group Name Programming

Each of the 5 group slots can have a name programmed. If a group name is programmed, then the group name is displayed instead of the group number on the 4-line alphapagers message summary. Group names can be a maximum of 19 characters

The group name programming message takes the form:


where s is the group name slot to program, and ... is the group name (up to 19 characters). If the group name is less than 19 characters, no padding is necessary. If the group name is longer than 19 characters, the group name will be truncated to 19 characters. If a group slot should not have a name, placing the right bracket immediately after the group slot number will erase that group slots name.


The following example sets the group name for group slot 1 to "Sales":


The following example sets the group name for group slot 2 to "Engineering":


The following example clears the group name for group slot 3:


Auto On/Off Programming

A 4-line alphapagers auto on/off times can be programmed either by sending a message to the programming capcode during the programming window, or at any time by sending a message to the system capcode. The format of the message is the same, regardless of where it is sent.

The auto on/off programming message allows the pager’s auto on/off feature to either be turned off, or turned on and the on and off times set. The format of the message is:



  • e is either 0 to disable auto on/off, or 1 to enable auto on/off
  • HH is the auto on hour (0-23), left padded with 0’s if necessary
  • MM is the auto on minute (0-59), left padded with 0’s if necessary
  • hh is the auto off hour (0-23), left padded with 0’s if necessary
  • mm is the auto off minute (0-59), left padded with 0’s if necessary

The times are ignored if disabling the message, but must still be present. If enabling auto on/off and any time is invalid, for instance, auto on hour is 25, then the entire message is ignored. If enabling auto on/off, and the on and off time is the same, then the entire message is ignored.

Example 1

The following example disables auto on/off:


Example 2

The following example enables auto on/off, with an auto on time of 7:45 am (07:45), and an auto off time of 5:45 pm (17:45):


Example 3

The following example enables auto on/off, with an auto on time of 6:45 pm (18:45, and an auto off time of 3:05 am (03:05):




Over the air programming of the auto on/off feature first appeared in alphapager firmware version 1.15.

Welcome Message Programming

The welcome message that is displayed when the 4-line alphapager is turned on can be reprogrammed through the programming capcode. The format of the welcome programming message is:


where ... is the welcome message text.

The welcome text may be up to 47 characters long. If the welcome text is less than 47 characters, no padding is required. If the welcome text is longer than 47 characters, it is truncated to 47 characters.

The pager will automatically word wrap the welcome text. Explicit line breaks can be specified using newline sequences. If the welcome message exceeds one screen of text, only the first screen will be shown, the message will not be scrolled.

To restore the pager’s default welcome message, place the right bracket immediately after the W. The pager’s default welcome message is dependent upon the pager’s language.


The following example sets the welcome message to "Have a great day!":

[WHave a great day!]

The following example restores the welcome message to the pager’s default:


Encryption Key Programming

The pager’s encryption key is set through a message sent to the programming capcode during the pager’s programming window. Refer to Encryption for more information on pager encryption, including constructing the encryption programming message.