NetPage Service

Version 2.2

NetPage provides paging capability for LRS guest (coaster, Adverteaser, specialty pagers) and staff (Star pager) pagers. It also provides paging services for POCSAG type pagers (numeric, alphanumeric, and vibe-only).

To send a page, the client sends a <PageRequest> message to the server. Two formats of <PageRequest> messages are supported. One is the long format introduced in version 1.0 of the NetPage protocol. The second is a short form introduced in version 2.0. A client may use either form of message to request a page.

If the id attribute is included in the <PageRequest> message, the LRSN server will send
<PageRequestStatus> messages updating the client of the progress of the messages. Only the client which sent the <PageRequest> will receive <PageRequestStatus> messages.

Long Format

This is the long <PageRequest> format from version 1.0 of the NetPage protocol. The id attribute is an optional extension to the original format.

idA transaction ID for use in <PageRequestStatus> messages. If no id attribute is included, the LRSN
server will not send <PageRequestStatus> messages.
powerPower level for transmission. Power levels are from 0 to 5, inclusive. The result of specifying a power level outside of this range is indeterminate. 0 is the lowest power level, while 5 is the highest power level. These levels are relative. The exact transmitted power for each power level may vary from transmitter to transmitter. If the power level attribute is omitted, then the server’s default power level is used for this transmission.

Not all LRSN servers and transmitters support the power attribute. If the power attribute is not
supported, then the server ignores it.
<PageRequest id="42">
	<Pager Type="Guest" ID="12" SystemID="4" />


Long format <PageRequest> messages include a <Pager> subelement, which specifies the pager to page.

typeType of pager to page. This is the descriptive name of the pager. Possible values for this attribute are:

Text - Alphanumeric POCSAG pager
Numeric - Numeric POCSAG pager
Guest - LRS Guest pager (coaster, Adverteaser, specialty)
Star - LRS Staff pager
Vibe-only - POCSAG Vibe-only pager
Text Group - Alphanumeric POCSAG paging group
SP5 - 1-line alphanumeric POCSAG pager
SP5Group - 1-line alphanumeric POCSAG paging group
AlphaCoaster - Alphanumeric POCSAG coaster pager
AlphaCoasterGroup - Alphanumeric POCSAG coaster paging group

Some implementations of NetPage are case-sensitive with respect to the pager types.
idPager ID to page, or group number for group pages.Required
systemidThe system ID of the pager to page. Older documentation may refer to the system ID as a restaurant ID. If absent, the transmitter will use its configured default system ID.Required

The following example specifies alphacoaster number 58, system ID 3:

<Pager Type="AlphaCoaster" SystemID="3" ID="58" />

Capcode Paging

Alternatively, the <Pager> element can specify a capcode, rather than a system ID and pager ID. This is mainly useful for programming pages. To specify a capcode to page, specify a pager type of Text, specify a Capcode attribute in the <Pager> element, and leave out the SystemID and ID attributes.

The following example specifies capcode 100000, which is used for over-the-air pager programming:

<Pager Type="Text" Capcode="100000" />


Long format <PageRequest> messages include a <Message> subelement. The text included in the <Message> element specifies the message to page. For alphanumeric and numeric POCSAG pagers, this message is what appears on the pager. For LRS guest and staff, and POCSAG vibe-only, see the page modes section for standard message codes.

Page alphanumeric pager 105 on default system ID with Phone Call 1:

<PageRequest id="23">
	<Pager Type="Text" ID="105" />
	<Message>Phone Call 1</Message>

Page vibe-only POCSAG pager 207 on system ID 3 with two vibes:

	<Pager Type="Vibe-only" ID="207" SystemID="3" />

Short Format

The short format of the <PageRequest> was introduced in version 2.0 of the NetPage protocol.

idOptional A transaction ID for use in <PageRequestStatus> messages. If no id attribute is included, the LRSN server will not send <PageRequestStatus> messages.Optional
pagerPager to page. The pager attribute consists of two fields, delimited by a semicolon. The first field indicates the type of pager. The second field indicates the pager ID. If a pager attribute and a <Pager> subelement are found, the value of the pager attribute is used. Possible values for
this attribute are:

0 - Alphanumeric POCSAG pager
1 - Numeric POCSAG pager
2 - LRS guest pager (coaster, Adverteaser, specialty)
3 - Star pager (LRS staff pager)
* 4 - Vibe-only POCSAG pager
messageThe message attribute specifies the message to page. If no message attribute is found, then a
<Message> subelement must be found to specify the message. If both a message attribute and a <Message> subelement are present, the message attribute is used. For LRS guest, staff and POCSAG
vibe-only pagers, page mode descriptions may be used in the message attribute, but not in a
<Message>. Page mode codes and page mode tags are discussed under Page Modes.
Either a message attribute or a <Message> sub-element is required
system_idThe system_id attribute specifies the system ID of the pager. The system ID
may also be known as the restaurant ID. If no system_id attribute is included, the transmitter will use its configured default system ID.
<PageRequest id="12" pager="2;23" system_id="4" message="Flash5Min" />
<PageRequest id="45" pager="0;105">
	<Message>Phone Call 1</Message>
<PageRequest pager="0;105" system_id="0" message="Phone Call 1" />

If an id attribute is included in the <PageRequest> message, the LRSN server will update the client with the status of the <PageRequest> using <PageRequestStatus> messages. If the <PageRequest> is accepted, two <PageRequestStatus> messages will be sent by the LRSN server.

The first <PageRequestStatus> will have a ret attribute of EINPROGRESS, indicating that the message has been accepted into the paging queue. The second <PageRequestStatus> message will have a ret attribute of ESUCCESS, indicating that the page has been successfully transmitted.

idThe id attribute from the corresponding <PageRequest> message.Always present
retIndicates the status of the page request. Possible Result Codes are:

ESUCCESS - Page request has been successfully transmitted. No further <PageRequestStatus> messages will be sent for this page request.
EINPROGRESS - Page request has been accepted, is pending in queue.
EINVAL - Page request was not accepted into queue because it was malformed or otherwise invalid, such as an invalid page mode tag. No further <PageRequestStatus> messages will be sent for this page request.
EFAIL - Page request transmission failed. No further <PageRequestStatus> messages will be sent for this page request.
Always present

The following example shows a page request that has been accepted and queued:

<PageRequestStatus id="244" ret="9" />

Page Modes

LRS guest, staff and POCSAG vibe-only pagers are capable of several different modes of paging. The mode is specified using either the message attribute or the <Message> subelement. The page mode may be specified using either a numeric constant or a descriptive tag. Using the <Message> subelement, only numeric constants are supported. The message attribute supports either method.

Guest Pager Modes

Flash1Sec10Flash and vibrate for 1 second
Flash30Sec1Flash and vibrate for 30 seconds
Flash5Min2Flash and vibrate for 5 minutes
Glow15Times7Cycle up and down LEDs and motor 15 times

Staff Pager Modes

Vibe110Vibrate once, light LED 1
Vibe21Vibrate twice, light LED 2
Vibe32Vibrate 3 times, light LED 3
VibeBeep111Vibrate and beep once, light
VibeBeep212Vibrate and beep twice, light
VibeBeep313Vibrate and beep 3 times, light LED 3

Programming LRS Protocol Pagers

To program LRS protocol pagers (non-alpha coaster, star, adverteaser), send a PageRequest message with the system ID, pager ID, and pager type of the pager to be programmed. The message should start with the word PROG in all caps.

Vibe-only Pager Modes

Vibe111Vibrate once
Vibe222Vibrate twice
Vibe333Vibrate three times
VibeBeep344Vibrate and beep three times

Additional option parameters may be added by delimiting the parameters with commas. No additional whitespace should be inserted between the commas and the parameters. If conflicting parameters are given, the result is undefined.

The vibe on page is controlled by the VIBE and NOVIBE options. VIBE enables vibe on page specified. NOVIBE sets vibe on page off. When neither VIBE nor NOVIBE are specified, the server determines the vibe settings based on its configuration.

In order to program only the system ID and vibe on page setting of LRS protocol pagers, set the pager ID in the PageRequest to 0.


Program an LRS staff pager to pager 99 on the default system ID and server’s vibe setting:

<PageRequest pager="7:32;2" message="PROG,VIBE" />

For all guest pagers, program system ID to 12 and vibe disabled, without affecting their existing pager number:

<PageRequest pager="12:0;2" message="PROG,NOVIBE" />