
The Long Range Services Network (LRSN) Protocol is your gateway to interfacing with the network enabled devices and programs offered by Long Range Systems. Depending on the device or program, many services may be available to your application. This page describes the basics of the LRSN, along with the types of services available to you using the LRSN.

LRSN Services

ConfigConfiguration service
HeartbeatHeartbeat service for system monitoring
KeyCallTXKeyCallTX interface for receiving key, button and supervision messages from Key- CallTX units
LrsRXLRS pager protocol reception
NetPageAllows you to send pages to a wide variety of pagers using an LRS transmitter via a network
PfsPush-for-service interface for receiving button and supervision messages from PFS units (e.g. TableGenie)
PocsagRXPOCSAG page reception
RemoteWaitEntryProvides an interface to the remote wait list entry functionality of LRS’s hand-held devices
TableManProvides an assortment of table management services, including receiving notifications from LRS range of hand-held table management units.