Pfs Service

Version 1.0

Pfs provides an interface to receiving events generated by Push-for-service devices, such as the TableGenie.

<PfsButtonPress> messages inform the client that a button (or button chord) was pressed on the device.

unitIndicates the serial number of the Pfs unit the button was pressed on.Always present
butonsWhen converted to a binary integer, is a bitmask of the button (or buttons) that were pressed. Button 1 is represented by the low-order bit, button 2 is the second lowest order bit, etc.

For example: 1 means button 1 pressed, whereas 7 means buttons 1,2,3 were pressed.
Always present
battIndicates battery level percentageAlways present
tableIndicates table numberPresent if the Pfs device has been associated with a table on the transmitter
<PfsButtonPress unit="19284756" buttons="1" batt="50" table="10" />

<PfsCancel> messages inform the client that the cancel sequence on the Pfs device was pressed.

unitIndicates the serial number of the Pfs unit the button was pressed on.Always present
battIndicates battery level percentage.Always present
tableIndicates table number.Present if the Pfs device has been associated with a table on the transmitter
<PfsCancel unit="19284756" batt="50" table="10" />

<PfsSupervision> messages inform the client that a Pfs unit sent a heartbeat message, or as a result of a program key being inserted.

unitIndicates the serial number of the Pfs unit the button was pressed on.Always present
battIndicates battery level percentage.Always present
tableIndicates table number.Present if the Pfs device has been associated with a table on the transmitter
<PfsSupervision unit="19284756" batt="50" table="10" />